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    Tanya Maher _ Lake Maher _ Banks Maher

    Happy new year/ new decade/ new everything, my friends!

    We just returned from an amazing Christmas and NYE in California and I'm here to remind you that if you haven't written out your wishes for 2020 yet (or if you have and just want to make sure that you're all set up for manifestation success) - you are not too late :)

    I like to call these grand desires for the new year 'wishes' instead of 'goals', because that's one word that doesn't seem to cause anxiety or pressure, it feels light, inspiring and positive. Plus, I don't know about you, but when I make 'wishes', I tend to smile widely, dream freely and breathe beautifully, which is not always the experience with 'goal' setting.

    I've already written several times about the magic of sending out wishes to the universe, but today I have a new fun one to share. And, I'll recap your top favourites for the highest success rate also...


    Take some time in late December or beginning of January (now is the perfect time:)) to write out all the big, small and tiny accomplishments of the previous 12 months. There is nothing as thrilling, motivating, inspirational, fun, eye opening, gratifying, healing and self-appreciating all at the same time. The state of gratitude you create within your being will send signals to the universe that you're ready for more! 

    Read more detail on this method here:  tanyasliving.com/blogs/tanyas-blog/the-most-important-thing-i-do-all-year


    Write down your greatest wishes and desires for the new year. Read them over, breathe them in and imagine as though everything on that paper is already yours right now. Fold it up and set fire to it. You've just released all attachment to the outcome and gave your creator the nod that you're trusting Him to guide you there.

    Read more detail on this method and how I knew a little girl was coming before I was even pregnant, here: tanyasliving.com/blogs/tanyas-blog/how-i-knew-a-little-girl-was-coming-before-i-was-even-pregnant




    Cut out images and words in magazines and print-outs, which inspire you and represent all the things, feelings, desires, goals and wishes which you truly dream of. Place the cut-outs on a large clipboard and arrange them until the complete picture feels right, then glue them in place. Now that your vision board is ready, place or hang it where it can’t be ignored. Take it all in, see it as a whole, see it as individual parts and then breathe as though they have already happened. Give it a little attention daily and celebrate with deep gratitude each desire that is coming true for you. Remember that you’ve done your job, so become an observer, let go of any attachments to it and let the universe do its job.

    See what I ticked off my vision board and read what got me into starting this annual ritual, here:  tanyasliving.com/blogs/tanyas-blog/revealing-my-personal-vision-board-for-the-very-first-time-steps-to-create-your-own


    This is a brand new edition to my wishing ritual since my mum posted the steps to this practice recently, so I'm simply translating it for you from Russian...


    During the New Year transition period, it is customary to make new plans and dream of a beautiful future. And everyone really wants these dreams to come true. I can share with you one practice that will help.


    Make a wish and release your balloon..

    a. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath, exhale. Send a smile to the whole world. Make a wish. Now imagine the wish as it if is already realised - in your mind's eye picture your exact surrounds in as much detail as possible, include the scent, what you might hear, how you might be breathing and how you might be feeling.

    b. Open your eyes and without hesitation, select a balloon in the picture. Remember that the first choice comes from your Higher Self, and the second and subsequent ones are a derivative of logical thinking. So, looking at your magic balloon, mentally infuse it with your desire and its complete picture you've just created. When you are ready to let the balloon go, say to yourself: “I am sending my important balloon to the Creator for consideration and to fulfil my wish!”

    c. Blow this balloon from the picture, clap your hands joyfully and do not look at it anymore so as not to delay its flight.

    You can make three wishes daily, especially around the New Year and your birthday. Just don’t tell anyone about them. Let your desires gain strength and reach the divine miracle makers.

    Know that if you infuse your balloon with a desire to get revenge on someone or to do a nasty deed, then that balloon will burst before it reaches the sky and the contents of it will land all over YOU. I did not make this up, they are basic cosmic laws for us Earthlings. Therefore, my advice to this scenario would look something like this: if you have enemies, then mentally create and send a wish into the balloon in which your ill-wishers will live long and happy lives.

    Wish, wish, wish away and everything will return to you :) 




    P.S. I'd love to know if you've tried any of the above or whether you have a wishing tip of your own. Please share with all of us in the comments below...




    Did you know that hair (like everything) is energy?

    Therefore it receives information and holds on to memories, events and experiences of whatever you’ve been going through.

    There are even intuitive hairdressers and psychics out there who can read your hair and suggest what length you need to cut off as that period of your life no longer serves you and may have been about trauma or heartache which you are still walking around with.

    If you consider the fact that cats receive information via their whiskers and a whole lot can be revealed about a person’s DNA when studying a single strand of their hair, it doesn’t seem so wacky or wild )

    I find it mega fascinating. Don’t you?


    tanya maher hair cut for little princess trust wig


    I also love loooooove getting hair cuts.

    It’s incredibly freeing and feels so good to ‘let go’ and ‘release’.

    Over the years of my journey as a wellness coach, I’ve learned loads about attachment, so it feels extra good to free myself off of it whenever my hair is chopped off!

    Soooo, on Monday I got 12 inches taken off the length of my locks and not a single regret.

    I did actually estimate that the hair which is now gone was from a period of my life when I became a mama for the first time and fell pregnant for the second time.

    That’s a lot of joyful memories in there.


    tanya maher hair cut for little princess trust wig

    Also during that time, I experienced breastfeeding trauma, the difficult period of letting go of my restaurant (and all my staff) and the exciting redevelopment of it into a deli, followed by a lot of criticism.

    There’s also been a few dark days dealing with family stuff, my mum’s horrific accident and many many tears.

    Although the joy of those years outweigh the negativity, I still didn’t want to pass on any of my ‘stuff’ onto another going through their own journey, especially another undergoing a healing course...

    I energetically detached myself from the hair and filled it with love, vibrancy and a speedy recovery for brave amazing mini people and sent it off to Little Princess Trust again (below is a pic of me doing this in 2014) to be made into a wig for sick children that have lost their hair.


    tanya maher hair cut for little princess trust wig


    If you’re interested in the technique I used to transform the energy of my hair, it’s below...


    Affirmation I said out loud when holding the hair in my hands:

    “May the unwelcome energy and information contained within this hair dissolve and transform into Divine Healing Light.

    “May every memory of low frequency, dark and negative events contained within dissolve and replenish with Divine Healing Light.

    “May the frequency of every cell and emotional structure in every strand of this hair re-calibrate and rise to high frequency of Divine Powers and Miracles.

    “May each strand act like a magic wand that shines pure Divine Healing Light which touches and heals its new owner.

    “Thank you, so it is. Thank you, so it is. Thank you, so it is”



    My breastfeeding nightmare

    My breastfeeding nightmare

    I had no idea what was coming my way. 


    Whilst every bone in my body has felt ready for motherhood for as long as I can remember, nothing was going to prepare me for the breastfeeding hell.


    No book or instructions handout, no NCT class, no hospital workshop, no breastfeeding expert, no video, no hypnobirthing app, nothing and no one was going to prevent the two years of trauma that were to follow my child’s birth.


    For two full years, whenever anyone would ask me when we’re planning to make another adorable little human, I would literally cease up in discomfort and go into panic mode, my stomach burning with pain and my throat drying up. 


    For two full years, I thought it was the trauma of birth that did this to me. 


    [Without going into too much detail- every contraction made me re-live the car accident from 16 years earlier. It was as if my spinal fusion was being smashed from the inside and I felt my back breaking over and over for eight longest hours of my life.]


    It wasn’t until Lake turned two and I felt that she needed a sibling, that I was ready to address the wound and deal with the pain. I knew I wouldn’t want to bring another child into the world with so much fear occupying my cells. So I had my mum put together a cell memory clearing meditation for me to follow and I enrolled in The Journey course to help me through this.


    What I uncovered through this intense healing process was that it wasn’t the birth at all which I was most afraid of, it was the first three months that followed birth.


    And so in order to deal with the trauma and to completely let go, I went on to re-live the nightmare. My breastfeeding hell.


    I remembered the piercing screams of a hungry baby that simply wasn’t getting enough milk.


    I remembered the dozen or so midwives that came through our doors to ‘assist with the issue’ over time. 


    I remembered each one of them attempting to get the crying child to latch by forcing her over my breasts while I bit my fist in agony and cried with her.


    breastfeeding awareness week


    I remembered telling Elliot not to allow any visitors because it was too painful to put a top over the raw and bleeding scabs of my nipples.


    I remembered the heartache of not being able to comfort and to hold my baby too close for that very same reason. 


    I remembered Lake sucking only to peel the scabs off till blood ran down her cheeks.


    I remembered the midwives panic because my baby wasn’t only not regaining her birth weight at 10 days old, she continued to lose weight. She slept for 5 hours at a time because she had no energy and cried when she was awake because she was so hungry.


    Still they insisted that I persevere with breastfeeding and not give in to formula no matter what. 


    I remembered sobbing in the shower from physical pain of my exploding breasts, the scabs, the blood, the blocked milk ducts; and the emotional pain of feeling like a complete failure in my first task as a mother that provides for her newborn in the most basic way.


    I remembered how surreal and dehumanising it felt to literally be milked not only by strangers that came through our doors but even my own husband.


    I remembered never being able to sleep, not because I was over-exhausted, but because I needed every minute to mentally prepare myself for the immense agony of feeding a child as soon as she was ready to wake up.


    I remembered taking this innocent child into my arms and seeing only a mouse trap that was about to jam itself over my raw skin and send me into more silent screams.


    I remembered wanting to slice off my breasts because I thought anything will be less painful than them blowing up till I saw skin tearing with my own eyes.


    I remembered Elliot sprinting to Superdrug in freezing January to buy out shelves of any product relating to breastfeeding or soothing a baby.


    I remembered how much I wept from the depth of my core when I tried using a hand pump to relieve me of the milk build up, only to feel the scabs of my nipples crack open and see nothing but blood drip into the bottle.



    I remembered how exhausted I was to care when someone finally picked up on the fact that Lake was tongue tied to latch properly and had a severe case of asymmetry. (Her neck was jammed in one position and her head was always turned to the right, which meant that feeding equally on both breasts was not only difficult and painful for her, it was pretty much impossible, till we called in a cranial osteopath to release the muscles. This apparently happened as she was developing inside me- she was growing into a long baby inside a short mother so there wasn’t much room to move and she kinda found a comfy position to keep growing with her head turned to one side).


    Meanwhile a fellow NCT mum offered to lend me her electric pump and I refused because of what happened with the hand pump. She insisted that I give it a try and had it brought to my house. I stared at it with deep fear for at least a week.


    By the time we had Lake’s tongue tie fixed, by the time the osteopath’s magic work began to take effect and by the time I discovered how a miracle electric pump was going to give my nipples a break for a chance to heal.... my milk pretty much dried up.


    The next round of painful experience began.

    My baby was literally screaming from starvation and I felt like I failed her yet again by not having enough milk and by giving in to formula.


    For the first time in weeks, I could see the child was satisfied. Thank you Lord for baby goats!



    The midwives still went on about how important it is that I don’t give up and continue to breastfeed. 


    So I persisted and committed to trying any tip going that might help to increase breast milk production.


    Again, there was no chance for me to sleep. I was a mum on a mission...


    It felt like I had warm compresses on my breasts around the clock. If I wasn’t nursing Lake, I was expressing. If I wasn’t expressing, I was in a hot shower massaging my breasts to stimulate the milk production.


    I upped my calorie intake and started loading on complex carbs like brown rice, beans and whole grain pasta. I was steeping fenugreek, raspberry leaf, stinging nettle and fennel seeds all the time to take as a tea. I started drinking dairy for the first time in years, because I heard that a glass of warm milk before nursing will increase my own milk. It did work for a short time and when it didn’t, I started to drink formula myself. (That was one of the low points of the whole mission). 


    The next round of painful experience began. My baby got the taste for formula milk and was no longer interested in mine. 


    It was also a big effort for her to breastfeed, while the bottled milk just flowed. 


    It was difficult enough witnessing just how much she no longer wanted my milk, but when a stranger dining at my cafe made a remark like ‘I do hope that’s breastmilk in that bottle’, it left me in tears for weeks.


    I knew how it looked to an outsider: A raw food expert with her own organic cafe, promoting natural living, that's free from animal foods - wasn’t even breastfeeding her own newborn. Instead she was feeding her dairy milk formula! 


    I hated feeling like I had to explain myself to friends before I pulled out bottle feed, but the last thing I thought I’d be doing is avoiding my own beloved haven of a restaurant at the risk of the judging eyes.



    It’s Breastfeeding Awareness Week and every year starting August 1st, I see hundreds of posts on the importance of breastmilk, as well promotion to stop the shaming of mothers nursing in public.


    Although I am 100 percent in full support of this incredibly important initiative, I felt like I needed to write this post for a number of reasons-


    1. I needed to do this for my own healing to be complete. I have a brand new life growing inside of me now and I am determined to bring this child into the world without fear. (Surprise!) 
    2. I now know what to look for (ie. tongue tie, asymmetry, electric pump) the second time around. Hopefully someone else reading this will benefit from knowing these signs and won't need to suffer for as long as I did.
    3. If you’re also struggling with so much pressure to breastfeed, while crying from unbearable agony, just know that all this pain and fear is being passed on to your child via the hormones in your milk. Yes, the goodness in your milk may outweigh the fear hormones and Yes, we don’t know what the animal that was being milked went through and what fear hormones it might be passing on via formula, but I do know this... As soon as I relaxed and the pressure (mainly in my own head) to breastfeed went away, the love and the bond between me and my child blossomed. Love is the ultimate fuel. Babies need our love just as much as they need food to survive (if not more).
    4. Please whatever you do, DO NOT judge a mother feeding her child in any which way she possibly can. You have no idea how many tears she cried till the point that she could comfortably breastfeed in public. You have zero clue as to how often she was losing the will to live until she could soothe her baby with a bottle. Believe me when I say ‘she is doing her very very best’.


    So much love going out to all the new mamas, the newborns and the judging eyes. We are, after all, the ones that need it the most.





    Berry Pie for glowing skin

    Berry Pie for glowing skin

    This dessert featured on my 'How to Eat for Beautiful Skin' workshop last month and since so many of you wrote me about this class, I decided to share one of the recipes as well as some key info, here for everyone :)

    In class we learned about where to begin in order to improve your skin's elasticity, heal acne, smooth out bumps and blemishes, avoid flareups, bring out your natural glow and even how to visibly minimise some of those wrinkles...

    The first step always begins in your gut.

    Healing your gut is a massive subject and may involve quite a different journey for most individuals, but the root of the cause is nearly always the same. And it's to do with your digestion.

    If you're not able to break down certain foods, if your system is quite blocked up, if you don't cleanse often, don't fast for long enough (think late dinner and big breakfast), don't get enough fibre or water, if you mix starches and proteins (think mac'n cheese, chicken and rice, baked potatoes with cream), if you have food sensitivities (80% of people don't realise they do!), if you get sleepy or sluggish after meals, etc etc etc... it's very likely that your body is trying hard to communicate that your digestion is not in order either through pain, like bloating and belly aches or visually by displaying signs all over your skin. 

    In my classes, we always focus on good digestion and this pie recipe very much falls into the easily digestive category. 

    KEY TAKEAWAY: If it's easily digestible, it's good for your skin!


    tanya maher raw food recipes


    How is this recipe different to other raw recipes?

    1. The base is not made out of dry nuts, it's all seeds. Nuts require soaking to remove the enzyme inhibitors and make them gentler on our tummies, but the cake would fall apart if we were to use soaked nuts. Seeds are easily digestible without the soaking step.

    2. The cream has nuts (cashews) which have been soaked and rinsed.

    3. Dried fruit and nuts combo falls under the Food Combination To Avoid when you're improving your digestion. With one exception- prunes. Usually a base contains some sort of nut or seed or coconut concoction and then on top of that there are also cashews in the cream. Nuts galore. Then for the base to stick together- dates and raisins are used a lot. They are of course an incredible snack to eat on their own as they provide fibre and slow releasing sugars for long lasting energy, but sadly when mixed with nuts- they confuse the system and can make you feel bloated. Prunes contain sorbitol which is a natural laxative, so they actually support the natural stages of digestion, help break down what ever food they are taken with (also helping you to assimilate its nutrients) and promote swift movement through your gut, which is all about the satisfying elimination.

    4. The cake contains lots of blueberries, cacao powder and additional maqui berry powder, which are all super high in antioxidants. Eating foods rich in these free-radical-fighting-substances will strengthen your immune system and protect your cells. Key to healthy skin.

    5. The coconut oil, sunflower seeds and hemp seeds contain healing essential fats, that work for your digestion like water works for a long and winding water slide. Without the water, it would take a long time to get down the slide, you'd stick to the sides, work way harder than you should and you won't enjoy the ride. Most fat is not even stored as fat, so it's time we start counting nutrients instead of calories.


    At last, the recipe...



    For the crust

    200g prunes

    75g sunflower seeds

    75g hemp seeds

    55g cacao powder

    ½ teaspoon Himalayan salt


    For the filling

    300g blueberries

    150g cashews, soaked overnight

    105g extra virgin coconut oil, melted

    50g maple syrup

    1 tablespoon maqui berry powder (I buy this one)

    1 teaspoon vanilla powder

    1/3 teaspoon Himalayan salt


    -Place all the crust ingredients into a food processor with an S blade. Process till sticky.

    -Transfer the mixture into a pie dish (make sure the base is removable) and press with your fingers and fists till it lines the entire dish and its sides.

    -Place all the filling ingredients into a blender, making sure the blueberries are at room temperature, otherwise the coconut oil will harden.

    -Blend using a tamper rod, till creamy.

    -Pour inside the crust and distribute evenly along the surface.

    -Transfer to the fridge to set for at least 4 hours.


    For upcoming workshop updates, sign up to our emails here>> and keep an eye on this page>>

    How I nearly died, then became a health coach and opened a cafe in Chelsea

    How I nearly died, then became a health coach and opened a cafe in Chelsea

    I discovered raw food not because I had a plethora of illnesses and this was my last resort. There was nothing wrong with me…


    I was fit, my body was in top shape, I never had to worry about what I ate, my parents were knowledgeable in alternative therapies, I had an awesome job in property, I was young, popular, invincible – I was healthy.


    Or so I thought.


    Looking back at my life now, I can only picture a young girl living in complete denial.


    I often ate a tub of ice cream or an entire block of chocolate instead of lunch and dinner, because I figured I should choose one to avoid overeating.


    I partied ‘til dawn in clouds of second-hand smoke and thought of it as the best form of exercise.


    I thought sleep was overrated.


    My whole back was covered in repulsive acne, but who cares because I couldn’t see behind me and at the beach, it was easy to just sunbathe lying on it.


    I would often get knife-piercing pain in my stomach, but I was the best long-distance runner I knew, so it didn’t matter.


    I didn’t like my own reflection, but I could always grin or pull faces in photos to disguise what I thought was too round a face and too big a nose.

    Tanya Maher and sister Alissa Alekseeva


    I would be bedridden whenever the seasons changed, but so was everyone else, so there is nothing wrong.


    I even thought that a reflexologist who told me to change my diet immediately to save myself from emerging diabetes was mad because, surely, diabetes was only for people who were overweight?


    And while others would turn to binging when it came to work- or relationship-related stress, I considered myself lucky for losing interest in eating when I was stressed, because I starved and got slimmer.


    It took me a long time to unlearn these stories I’d been telling myself. It took me even longer to realise how well I’d mastered blocking out what needed attention, because of how well I’d blocked out one particular major event in my life…


    The year 1999 was one to remember.


    I survived my second year as a teenager, my second year in high school was almost over, my Russian accent had begun to sound more Kiwi (believe me, a foreign accent is a big deal when you’re an immigrant at school) and, for the first time, I was allowed to go away with my best friend for our joint birthday celebrations.


    It was a rainy day, the road was long and winding, but it didn’t matter because I was with my bestie, we had lollies, hip-hop music to sing along to and the whole back of the car to ourselves.


    Nothing was going to stop us from laughing and dancing, not even a safety belt that straps you tightly to your seat. We both pulled our seatbelts over our shoulders and under our arms, so we were secured only around our waists.


    The next thing I remember is seeing a four-wheel drive head on, an unimaginable strike of sharp pain in my abdomen, followed by our car quickly filling with smoke and the struggle to open a jammed door, because I couldn’t possibly stay in a car that might blow up like in the movies.


    I still have no idea whether it was five minutes or five hours between the car accident and being rushed to Auckland City Hospital by helicopters, although I do remember how fast the emergency crew chopped open my favourite checked blue trousers.


    And amidst the uncontrollable pain through my stomach to my back, the haunting repetition of ambulance crew voices shouting something about a fractured spine, I still managed to wish that I was wearing better underwear.


    Everyone in both vehicles survived the crash, but no one walked away injury free…


    I broke my back and had to wear a full-body brace for four months. I still have a metal plate and screws joining my lower spine. My stomach was so badly bruised and swollen from the seatbelt (which also saved my life) that doctors proposed to remove my pancreas.


    To make this hospital stay even more memorable, a catheter burst inside me, spreading an infection through my bladder, all while I was being pumped with an intense dose of morphine, to which my body reacted with intense hives.


    My mum and dad went through so much stress and my entire focus turned to recovery, just to see these two favourite faces laughing again.


    I tried hard to be a good girl and eat the mashed potatoes, ice cream and jelly they provided as hospital food, but my body would not keep them in. I remember being so angry at it for spewing up anything that went in.


    My weight declined, as did all interest in food, until I couldn’t tolerate the thought of it.


    Meanwhile, doctors were still waiting on my parents’ decision on whether or not to remove my pancreas.


    Knowing that it was a key gland for proper digestion and hormone regulation, my wise family were determined to keep it intact.


    We wanted to learn how to help my body to heal, but no one even knew about Google then, and raw food books certainly weren’t known of in the library, so we did what came naturally in the moment of despair- we used intuition.


    Mum and dad asked me to imagine different foods and name those that didn’t immediately make me feel nauseous.


    There were so many foods I craved, I was literally starving, but the only ones I could entertain of actually keeping in were peppermint tea, high-factor manuka honey and liquidised vegetables.


    How clever our bodies are. Even in the most vulnerable state they know exactly what they need to survive.


    I know now that my body, being so inflamed and sensitive, asked specifically for peppermint tea for its soothing properties, manuka honey for its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal protection from hospital bugs, and raw carrot juice for its antioxidants, nutrients and enzymes, to support my healing pancreas.


    My body knew that raw foods have the power to heal, it knew exactly which foods had the right nutrition for this healing and it was because of raw foods that I got to keep my pancreas – although I didn’t even realise it at the time.


    Fast forward 10 years and it was, again, mum and dad who inspired me to tap onto that intuition and discover a calling within me so deep, it would bring positive meaning to all unfortunate past events. They read raw food expert Victoria Boutenko’s books and literally changed their entire diet overnight.

    Alekseeva family


    They got rid of the microwave, espresso machine and all the food in their pantry. They filled clear kitchen benches with alien equipment, the refrigerator with so much colour it looked like a kaleidoscope, and started dehydrating flax crackers as if they were stocking up for 21 December 2012.


    It was awesome to see them so enthusiastic about a diet, but it’s not like I was about to start doing the same. After all, as you’ve heard, there was nothing ‘wrong’ with me.


    It was also around this time that my husband, Elliot, and I started dating, and I was more interested in showing off my cooking repertoire than rolling energy balls.


    But my curiosity was already ignited.


    I watched my parents shed weight, start to look younger, glow from within, sleep less and do more exciting things with their days, all with an enormous amount of energy and enthusiasm. I had to get my hands on that book!


    It was when I read ‘Green for Life’ and the collection of testimonials from people who had reversed all manner of illnesses (from diabetes, heart conditions, obesity, asthma, chronic fatigue and cancer) with raw food that I made an important connection – that I had also healed my body, all those years ago, with raw food.

    Tanya's cold press juice and almond milkshakes



    It occurred to me that if we can heal disease with raw food, surely we can prevent it too. Now we’re talking!


    What I read in Boutenko’s book made sense – as soon as you apply heat to foods, they shrivel up, vitamins and minerals diminish, antioxidants and proteins are halved and enzymes vital for digestion die entirely. Our bodies then spend all their efforts on digesting the mineral-depleted foods and leave us with little energy for anything else.


    What didn’t make sense is why so few people knew about the raw power of plants.


    And in this I found my calling.


    I immediately began making green smoothies for our breakfast. I loved to cook and experiment with foods, so was in no hurry to change our meals, but my taste buds began to long for more greens throughout the day.


    Without even thinking about it, I reached for a salad instead of a sandwich at lunchtime and filled half our dinner plates with fresh raw vegetables.


    I thought I had really lost it the day I salivated over spinach at a supermarket and came home without commercial chocolate.


    I was loving the new flavours our fresh diet had to offer, as well as all the benefits I detected- increased energy, focus and intuition, glowing skin and sparkling eyes, healing acne, and strong hair and nails. Most of all, I loved how much fun I was having in the kitchen.


    With so much attention paid to feeling awesome, it wasn’t until later that I realised how my painful stomach cramps never returned, my headaches had diminished, my teeth stopped getting cavities, and how flu and colds became a thing of the past.


    I knew I couldn’t keep all of this to myself, so as soon as we moved to London, I went knocking on yoga centre and restaurant doors offering to run lunchtime classes, got kitted up with equipment, started blogging recipes, selling green smoothies and raw chocolate at market stalls, joined raw food networking groups and attended any health-related workshop I could find.


    I began coaching clients. This allowed me to witness the countless benefits of raw foods among athletes, expectant mothers, young professionals and the newly retired.

    Novak Djokovic and Tanya Maher at Tanya's


    Yet, I wanted to go deeper.


    My intention was never to transform the world’s diet to eating all raw, I simply wanted to raise awareness of the benefit of eating plants and my mission became helping people to experience the incredible vitality I was thriving with.


    I really wanted for everyone to feel in control of their own energy and health again.


    I really really wanted to help others tap into that time of youth when they felt invincible, free and full of joy. I wanted them to know how possible it is to feel like that all the time!


    I longed for people to break free from the hypnosis that the traditional medicine, dairy industry and government bodies put us under.


    I dreamed of a world where people didn’t have to suffer and where they believed that vibrant health was their birth-right.


    So badly I wished for people to feel ALIVE again.


    I knew that all of this was pretty BIG and that I couldn’t do it on my own. The thing is I didn’t know where to begin either. So, I did what I knew works - I sat my butt down on a meditation cushion and literally asked to be shown the way.


    What happened right after- changed everything.

    Tanya's Ecuador Retreat


    I opened myself up for possibilities and asked for a clear sign. By the time I heard of The Institute for Integrative Nutrition from three different people in the week right after my meditation, I knew it was the sign I couldn’t ignore.


    I was still paying off my student loan for the Bachelor of Property so wasn’t into the idea of getting into more debt. But, all signs pointed towards going for it, so I borrowed from my parents and enrolled on the year-long journey of online education.


    I thought I was just signing up to qualify as a Holistic Health Coach and be a better counsellor to my current clients, so they can experience everything I dreamed up for them, but I got so much more.


    The same year that I was getting my mind blown from all the powerful realisations and my neck muscles exercised from all the nodding, while listening to lectures on my iPhone, was the year some pretty wonderful things were happening in the background..


    I remained open for miracles and then after five years together, Elliot proposed.


    I remained open for miracles and met with my dream publisher, who would later publish my book.


    I remained open for miracles and began coaching a dream client, with whom I would soon open my café.


    I remained open for miracles and became IIN’s chosen ambassador, which meant that I had the power to offer my readers some amazing discounts to this life-changing course, getting more and more people to spread the ripple effect.


    Suddenly my big dream didn’t seem so far-fetched.

    Tanya Maher's The Uncook Book Launch


    The thing is- I didn’t have to work hard to ‘remain open’. The beauty of the program is that on top of teaching you how to be the best coach to your clients and especially to yourself, it teaches you about nutrition, bio-individuality and how some diets work for some and why not for others, but more importantly, it teaches you how to manifest.


    The entire course is designed to help you be the healthiest person you know and to live your very best life. Guiding you to remain open for miracles and manifest dreams into reality is very much on the agenda!


    So, if you even for a second thought that this course might-be-just-ever-so-slightly-a-tiny-bit interesting, I invite you to do the following:


    1. Register your name and email below or here so I can forward you a FREE sample class and a FREE copy of my eBook ‘One Day Raw- a Beginner’s Guide to Living Foods’.
    2. Add 2PM EST / 7PM GMT Friday 20thApril to your calendar and watch me LIVE as I visit the IIN offices in New York! (I’ll send you a direct link to this FB Live on the day)
    3. Remain open for miracles.

    Tanya and Lake at Tanya's


    And, if you feel this is YOUR sign to do the course and you are ready to register for the next class beginning 7th MAY, then here’s what you’ll get as a BONUS for registering:


    1. A 25% discount or an interest-free payment plan.
    2. A FREE copy of my eBook ‘Purified-Your Complete 7 Day Detox Program’.
    3. A parcel in the mail containing my book ‘The Uncook Book- The Essential Guide to a Raw Food Lifestyle’, and a collection of Tanya’s dehydrated snacks- BBQ Spiced Activated Nuts, Detox Dust Activated Seeds, Cheezy Kale Chips, Coconut Chips and Coconut Jerky.

    IIN bonus gift from Tanya Maher


    To qualify for all the bonuses, call my friends at IIN on (877) 733-1628 for US or +1 (212) 730-5433 for International and be sure to mention my name (Tanya Maher). Ask them if you can start on May 7th and I’ll be in touch with the rest!



    Wow that wasn’t a long post at all. Haha.


    Love you!


    Register for IIN Freebies

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