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    Permission to go wild this Christmas + my book deal with Hay House!

    Permission to go wild this Christmas + my book deal with Hay House!

    Have you seen the Get Fresh! Winter 2014 issue yet?

    It’s my favourite read at any time of the year, but Christmas in particular, so needless to say, I was over the moon to be interviewed for this issue. It was an even bigger treat to see the interview turn into a SIX page spread!!

    Do take a read below or get your own copy (believe me, you want this!) online to discover how I celebrate Christmas and why I’m giving you (and me!) permission to indulge and give in to the Festivities for a day.

    And if you already saw even the cover of this mag, you might’ve noticed something else…

    Something I am finding difficult to get the words out for. Something that is um kind of a big deal. BIG deal. BOOK deal.

    Yeeeeey, I’ve said it!

    I just signed a contract with my dream publisher and I don’t name them so, lightly. Hay House were on my vision board for this year (look out for a blog post coming soon where I reveal my vision board publicly for the very first time), so it really is a dream come true for me.

    You must’ve heard of names such as Louise Hay, Dr. Masaru Emoto, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Esther Hicks, Miranda Kerr, Doreen Virtue, Robert Holden, Brendon Burchard, Kris Carr, Tara Stiles or Gabrielle Bernstein. Surely?

    Well, in 2015, you will see Tanya Maher next to these guys! Holy moly I can hardly believe it still!

    This will be a raw food recipe book (of course), but not your standard get-well-guide-through-food… THIS book is called ‘The Uncook Book’ and it is THE-go-to-guide for the healthiest and tastiest food on earth, a book about celebrating life through food, no detoxing or dieting, no hours of kitchen slavery, no crazy-hard-to-find ingredients, no animal products, nothing processed.

    You will have all of your questions answered about getting started on raw and keeping it in your life, your questions about what equipment to have in the kitchen, what juicer is best, why you can (and should) have dessert first, how to host raw dinner parties and make them memorable and what ingredients have an acidic or alkaline effect on the body.

    But more importantly- the recipes within ‘The Uncook Book’ are going to be YOUR favourites.

    Speaking of which- what are they?

    I want to make sure I include my best version of your favourite dish. Please leave your answer in the comments section below, so I can start perfecting it immediately>>


    With love and Sunday Funday spirit,

    x Tanya


    P.S. Stuck on Christmas shopping for a health-nut? We just got a bunch of £20 Gift Certificates to Tanya’s Cafe. Make someone’s entire year with this present>> 

    P.P.S. Want to study at world’s biggest nutrition school and get your health coach certification in only one year? Join a Live info session on Tuesday 16th at 3PM EST or 8PM GMT here>>  to learn more and get a seriously special discount available on the call!

    P.P.P.S. What recipe would you like to see in The Uncook Book? I’m listening! Tell me in the comment below…

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    Cafe Update, Love Notes and The Biggest IIN Scholarship Offer Yet

    Cafe Update, Love Notes and The Biggest IIN Scholarship Offer Yet

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    I am truly blown away by the amount of support and excitement coming my way at the news of Tanya’s raw food restaurant opening.

    I’ve been filing away your beautiful words ‘for a raining day’, not even thinking about sharing them publicly, because… you know… it’s showing off, giving me a big head and inflating my ego.

    And then I get THIS message (below) and it reminded me about why I do what I do. It reminded me that love and kind words MUST be shared. It reminded me that the ego is an illusion, just like ‘the norm’ and ‘the rules’ set by society.

    So I choose love and love needs sharing. This message (from last year’s yoga teacher at my Ecuador Soul Adventures Retreat) warmed my whole heart and I am so so grateful…

    Hey Tanya,

    it’s been a while and I felt today was the perfect day to give you a shout out.
    I want to thank you again for everything. For encouraging me to do IIN, I love it and I’m joining their book course on wed…
    For radiating and always continuing to strive for the best and reaching higher and higher on your path, for being authentic, loving, kind and generous to the whole world and yourself!

    You are one of my top 10 favourite women whom I have learnt a lot from and have grown from through your massive amount of influence and inspiration.

    I want to congratulate you on your ever awesome upgraded life: husband, restaurant, WEBSITE!!!!! WOW!, offerings, sharings and your new look… darling you look stunning and it’s so you!

    You’ve blossomed even more to be this most radiant shakti whom I respect, honour and admire.

    I wish you a continuing endless abundant journey.
    Way to go!
    Love and joy


    Speaking of IIN…

    I’ve some BIG news for anyone keen to study nutrition, become a health coach or just get the super fancy certificate from the world’s largest nutrition school!

    IIN are offering my friends up to $1,500 off of your tuition if you enrol before 4th July.
    Register your name here and I’ll hook you up with more details on the program and your $1,500 scholarship.

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    And for all requesting the cafe update, it looks as though we are ahead of schedule and will be opening doors even before August!

    I’ve been posting daily progress reports on our Facebook page, so do keep an eye on it for news as they happen. Here are a few snippets..

    Hoarding boards going up:

    tanya's _ hoarding


    Work behind the scenes:


    tanya's _ construction The team behind the project, in meeting:

    tanya's _ meeting   More updates found here>