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    My best tip for improving your digestion

    tanya maher on digestion

    If your digestion isn’t in order, the chances are you also experience at least two of these symptoms:



    -Heart burn or indigestion

    -Food allergies


    -Skin breakouts

    -Skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, acne or psoriasis 

    -Weight gains

    -Constipation or loose stools

    -Flatulence or belching

    -Parasites or Candida

    -Weak nails and hair


    Poor digestion is awful and sadly unless something is done about it, it may only get worse with time.


    Have you ever said...

    “I used to be able to eat anything” or 

    “I never had to exercise to stay in shape” or

    “My baby weight never went away” or

    “My digestion is not what it used to be”?


    [Personally, I’m guilty of all the above, especially when I have the below reference taken circa 2013.]

    tanya maher's body on raw food


    If you want something done about this digestion of yours (btw it’s not the same as metabolism- you can eliminate quickly and stay slim but it still doesn’t mean that you’re making the most out of your food and assimilating the goodness), the first thing you must do is begin eating consciously.

    Easier said than done? 

    Nope, it’s very very easy to do. Continue reading for my top tip that works every single time and is actually fun...

    But first I’d like to paint you a picture of what happens when you DON’T eat consciously.


    Tanya's pantry for The Uncook Book


    I bet there’s been a time that you’ve taken your sandwich to your desk and swallowed it so fast, you weren’t sure if you even tasted it, let alone felt any satisfaction. 

    You certainly were a bit annoyed at yourself for spending money on yet another lunch you don’t remember eating. 

    I mean- how did it disappear from your plate? Wait, maybe someone played a trick on you and you haven’t even taken a bite! Mmmm maybe not.

    Suddenly you feel bloated. Dissatisfied, irritated and bloated. Awesome combo.


    What actually happened when you swallowed that sandwich is that it got dumped into your stomach without any warning, without the host having a chance to get the space ready for it, in fact it squashed the host unconscious, confused the whole digestive system so it stopped operating altogether. Your body’s alarm went off to send signals of there being something wrong and the only way it knew to communicate that was by making you bloat.


    You didn’t respond to those cries so it gave you a headache.

    You blocked out the headache with a painkiller so it gave you visible red patches on your neck and breakouts on your chin.

    You covered them up with concealer so it gave you extra love handles you couldn’t cover up.

    You told yourself that next time you’ll just skip lunch to which you immediately felt an inflammation response.

    Now your joints hurt.

    WTF? Surely that’s got nothing to do with a sandwich!

    And why do you feel so tired when food is supposed to give you energy?


    Now let’s rewind for a moment and try that again...

    Holy Kale & Avocado from Tanya's raw food London cafe

    You unwrap your sandwich, feeling good within yourself that you got up to go out and buy it, feeling proud that you got at least a little movement into your day.

    You start to breathe deeper with that thought of gratitude.

    In turn you begin to relax and even get a whiff of the deliciousness you’re about to enjoy.

    You begin to salivate.

    You take a small bite and you chew chew chew.

    Your brain then sends the message to your stomach (the host) that food is coming so it starts to tidy up and pump out the welcoming mat (hydrochloride acid).

    The food slides down with joy, lands not in a dry sad desert but a fun pool of digestive juices.

    It breaks down effortlessly, without the need for your body to spend any more precious energy, so you feel like you have lots of energy to actually do some work.

    Minerals, nutrients and vitamins then spark into fireworks that go straight to the cells which need them most, while the remains take a different route towards easy elimination.

    No arguments, no confusion, no need for setting off any alarms, everyone knows their role and they get on with doing their thing so you can get on with doing your thing.


    tanya maher the uncook book


    So next time you’d like scene #2 instead, next time you’d prefer to feel alive, energised, relaxed, bloat free and happy within yourself for eating consciously, try this tip:

    Imagine that while you’re eating that sandwich, a hidden camera is projecting your every move onto a National News channel! Your face is on everyone’s screen for millions to watch you eat. 

    The Royal family watch the news too, you know :)


    Royal family watching you eat on the news


    P.S. I touch on the topic of digestion and often discuss it in depth at every single one of my workshops. You can bet that I'll be covering this topic in the next classes 'Easy raw lunches that kids will love' and 'How to eat for beautiful skin'. All classes can be booked via this link: https://tanyasliving.com/collections/workshops-and-events

    Our famous 1, 2 and 3 Day Alkaline Cleanses are selling fast!

    Our famous 1, 2 and 3 Day Alkaline Cleanses are selling fast!

    January has just begun but the Alkaline Cleanse packages which we send all across the UK are selling out. There are only 3 delivery dates left for this whole month. Take a look...

    DIY DETOX - 4 ways to cleanse at home

    DIY DETOX - 4 ways to cleanse at home

    Hi guys,

    I'm writing this to you from beautiful Innsbruck in Austria.

    It's past midnight here. 

    Lake and Elliot are sleeping 1 whole metre away from the computer desk where I've set myself up, trying my hardest to type quietly.

    I'm a fast typist, not a quiet one, so this is taking me a looooong time...

    And just as well- I've no choice but to keep this important post as brief as possible... only the good stuff for you to read :)


    It’s that time of the year between Christmas and New Year when nothing is certain, except that most things don’t fit.

    This doesn’t just mean your jeans either.

    It’s the time of the year when we must recognise which of our previous decisions didn’t fit our values, lifestyle, dreams, relationships and our bodies.

    It's the time to let go of some ‘stuff’ and make room for all the wonderful new things that can’t enter your world because of all that clutter.

    Look towards the new year not to diet, but to give your digestion a break and to flood your precious body with so much nutrition that the toxins won’t stand a chance.

    There is nothing wrong with overindulging over the holidays. Actually, I believe it's important to do that. How else will you get fired up and serious about making changes?

    So, when you're ready (and ONLY when you're ready), refer to my below ideas on how to do a DIY detox at home.

    They are all pretty different, so choose the one that sings to you or try them all.

    And remember- THIS IS NOT A DIET. Diets are awful and make you miserable. This is a break for your digestion system, a release of toxic build up and a celebration of getting back to being YOU gain, just a happier lighter cleaner version.


    IDEA 1- Go raw for a week.


    It's only one week!

    One week of eating lots and lots (I promise you won't be starving).

    One week of flooding your cells with life and energy-giving enzymes.

    One week of learning amazing new recipes and falling in love with being in your kitchen again. 

    One week of letting go of the bloat, the mucous, the discomforts, the laziness-syndrome and a crap-load of toxins (pun intended).

    Many of you already own 'Purified- Your Complete 7 Day Detox Program' already, so all you need to do is dig it out and go shopping. It includes a grocery shopping list already, so just turn up at the supermarket.

    If you're not in the know- this is my first and best selling eBook. There's nothing fancy about it, it doesn't even have pictures except my mug over the entire front cover (really selling it, aren't I?).

    It's just good and simple information with 30 minute recipes, that work. No frills, just loads of testimonials. 

    Download 'Purified' in seconds>>

    IDEA 2 - Do a digital detox.

    Again, not really rocket science (or even diet related, I repeat- none of this is diet related), but disconnecting is the only thing that will make you feel connected once again.

    I recommend a weekend. A week if you can get it off work. 

    And if you still have no idea how one can survive without Facebook, a phone, a tablet, a computer or a television even for a single day, may I suggest... a magazine? 

    Oh and scissors and some glue.

    Dig out that beautiful Home & Garden mag, an outdoor adventure mag, a tourism pamphlet, anything with inspiring photography and words that make you really really happy and daydreamy. 

    If you've been reading my emails for some time, you know that I always use this week to put together my Vision Board for the year ahead.

    It's the one self-care tradition I'm not about to break. 

    Join me!

    See this post on how to put together your very own vision board and check out when I revealed mine for the very first time>>

    IDEA 3 - Do a kidney and liver flush.

    There is an incredible deeeeep cleanse recipe formula, but I don't recommend you do this unless you're a seasoned detoxer and/or unless you've been on a very filling raw food diet for a minimum of three days prior.

    1g castor oil for every kg of your weight, mixed with 2g lemon juice for every 1g of oil. 

    So if you weigh 100kg, you would require a 300g drink each day (100g oil+ 200g juice).  

    The benefits are truly endless.

    It'll be a hard slow couple of weeks, so take your time and be gentle on yourself.

    I've had many clients, including world class athletes take on this challenge and they swear by it.

    Aside from epic weightloss for those that seek it, this flush works on a cellular level, strengthens your immune system, resets your digestive system and scrapes out any blocks, toxins, yeast and disease causing formations within your liver and kidneys, which are the hardest to purify.

    Here is what a two day castor oil detox might look like over a period of 14 days:

    Days 1-3: vegan diet, cooked and raw
    Day 4-6: filling raw food diet, like a plan in Purified
    Day 7: castor oil with lemon
    Day 8-10: filling raw food diet, like a plan in Purified
    Day 11: castor oil with lemon
    Day 12-13: majority juice/ smoothie and one solid meal
    Day 14+: vegan diet, cooked and raw, before returning to usual diet

    The number of days for the cleanse will depend on the person and the only thing you should eat through the 'castor oil and lemon' day is a maximum of 20 dates (yes seems a lot, but trust me you'll want them) with detoxifying herbal tea.

    This is recommended by a Russian doctor Alfei Budilov and is available in more detail in this article: Deep cleanse of the organism>> 
    [Note the article is written in Russian, so pop it into a google translator if you're interested in knowing more.]

    IDEA 4 - Do an Alkaline Cleanse!

    Have you ever tried peeing on some litmus paper to check where you are on the pH scale?

    Most people are shocked by the result!

    Everything in the universe is about creating balance, your body included. 

    The balance I go on about is called Acid-Alkaline, otherwise known as the pH balance.

    It might ring a bell if you pay any attention to shampoo ads. The beauty industry loves to point out, that their product is ‘pH balanced’.

    It works just as your own body temperature, where too much variance on either side of the normal 98.6F / 37C is very dangerous to your health.

    PH Balance also has a scale, which measures how acidic or alkaline any environment or substance is on a scale of 1-14.

    Seven is Neutral. Anything below it - is acidic; anything above it- is alkaline. A slightly alkaline body (at 7.36) is crucial for good health, but unfortunately the majority of our human race is no where near it.

    It is when your pH levels are low, that your body becomes acid and vulnerable to germs, creating an environment for bacteria to thrive and for yeast to throw an ultimate party.

    Disease (including cancer) cannot live in a slightly alkaline, oxygenated environment! Free radicals don't stand a chance of survival.

    I've worked hard to construct the exact plan to help you go from acid to alkaline in the shortest possible time.

    We offer a limited number of 1, 2 and 3 day packages just twice a year and post them all across the UK.

    Obviously I would LOVE for everyone to purchase a package because I know exactly how incredible you will feel for a long long time afterwards, but I also know that this is simply not possible. Many of you live outside of the UK, some can't afford this done-for-you kit and all of you want to be able to try it for yourselves, so what I've done is document what a day on my Alkaline Cleanse looks like. 

    I've recorded the exact time and order I take every juice and snack, plus listed out the exact ingredients that go into each 'meal' and given you links to any ingredients that you might not find in a supermarket.

    You can replicate the cleanse that made Tanya's in Chelsea famous and reap all the benefits by making it all yourself. Yay!

    Here's the link to order a readily packaged Alkaline Cleanse>>

    And here's the link to seeing what a day on this cleanse looks like>>

    Oh and here's the link to a 10% off code, only good till 2nd Jan>>

    Well now it's reeeally late and I'm too pumped to sleep.

    Can't wait to get back to London and get onto all of the above myself.

    Please please join me! I'd love to know what detox spoke to you and how you got on, please leave me a comment below!

    Happy New Year, my friend.
    I wish for 2018 to be your year!

    New workshops announced! December festivities and January detoxing

    New workshops announced! December festivities and January detoxing

    I'm running nutritional [un]cookery workshops once again and I'm pretty excited about it!

    Take a look at what's coming up over the next couple of months and book quickly, these spaces do go fast!

    Can. Not. Wait. To see you!!!!



    The Alkaline Cleanse is back! Save the date: 13th June for first UK delivery

    The Alkaline Cleanse is back!  Save the date: 13th June for first UK delivery

    [caption id="attachment_2342" align="aligncenter" width="860"]tanya maher _ tanya's at selfridges foodhall Our Selfridges pop-up store, when I was heavily pregnant[/caption]   My famous cleanse is back! This is really really exciting news, if not for you then for me. Ha! :) We missed January this year because of all the reno's, which means I didn't do my usual detox either. That's definitely not the case for June! I'm all in, starting 13th June and inviting you to come along for the ride...   It's a done for you 1, 2 or 3 day cleanse, which is delivered to your door within the UK, and available for 3 weeks only.   [SO SORRY to my overseas friends that it's too hard to keep the cold-pressed products fresh during transit, but if you wanted to do the detox yourself at home, then check out my blog post where I pretty much reveal exactly what to do, at what time and with what ingredients, here>>]   I believe in the power of giving your insides a proper scrub and I know that simply drinking juice may flow through your body undigested. This means you won’t get all, if any, of the nutrients and minerals from it and be left feeling hungry and deprived. You need a carefully constructed detox plan with nourishing solid foods to support your whole body. Book yours now>>   I also believe that my Alkaline Cleanse is not just a cleanse, it is the ultimate body rebalancing system! Why? For starters, the full day's menu is not just about giving you lots of detox promoting ingredients to get your bowels moving. I carefully put every ingredients together from juices to sprouted seeds to probiotics, making sure that you get everything your body requires to thrive. Tanya's+Alkaline+Cleanse Take a look... - Fibre to clean out your intestines - Probiotics to reduce bloating - Calcium to nourish you - Protein to re-build your system - Essential fats for ultimate digestion - Detoxifying spices to accelerate cleansing - Chlorophyll to increase your body’s pH level   My organic cold-pressed juices are the star warrior of your cleanse, but don't forget there is the alkalising raw soup, detox dust coated seeds, fibre wheatgrass crackers, veggie sticks and lemon tahini dip, OptiBac probiotics as well as the Neal’s Yard Remedies green complex powder. This cleanse is designed to clean and nourish at the same time. I even include pH strips to test how acid or alkaline you are, before, during and after the cleanse. And no matter which cleanse you go for- 1, 2 or 3 days- I will include a free cooler bag! Book yours now>>   Did you know: 1.‘Disease cannot develop, live or survive in an alkaline environment.  Every ache, itch and pain is telling you that your body is too acid’ 2. All ingredients we use are organic, raw, unprocessed, unpasteurized and cold-pressed.  We do not use sweeteners, gluten or nuts for this cleanse.  We do sprout and slowly dry alkalizing seeds below 47 degrees to release the enzyme inhibitors, but preserve nutrition and aid digestion. 3. The website www.tanyasliving.com where you can purchase your cleanse is the place where all activity will happen shortly after we reopen Tanya's cafe on 19th June. We're bringing together the best of www.betterraw.com and www.tanyascafe.com to pack out our new website with awesome info, 100's of raw food recipes and details on how you can work with me.